KC Japan Fest pt xxx

Once again I had an incredible time at the Kansas City Japan Fest. I ran a panel on Doujin Music. It was the first time that I had ran a panel and I was able to get some excellent feedback. I told attendees that I would put a write up on my website. The following 2 posts I made are about the panel music.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of people in attendance! There was so many things to do at the event.
Furthermore, I almost arrived late to my own panel set for 10am. See as I traveled to the area in East Kansas, I did not realize I entered another time zone.
Luckily I was prepared!

Low numbers for my 1st panel, that was unfortunate, but it was 10am.
I got through that without a hitch, was fun.

After that I was able to relax and take in the show, the main events hall at JCC is huge!
I got to watch the opening ceremonies and then watch Akai Sky play.
There was plenty of room and plenty of excitement.

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